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本文摘要:Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei has carried out the worlds first field test of fifth-generation cellular network (5G) technology using a 3.5 GHz band, which is expected to become the global 5G standard.中国电信巨头华为早已展开了全世界第一场5G蜂窝网络技术测试,用于的是未来将会沦为全球5G标准的3.5GHz频段技术。

Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei has carried out the worlds first field test of fifth-generation cellular network (5G) technology using a 3.5 GHz band, which is expected to become the global 5G standard.中国电信巨头华为早已展开了全世界第一场5G蜂窝网络技术测试,用于的是未来将会沦为全球5G标准的3.5GHz频段技术。Huawei also tested the connection between instrument and chip manufacturers, Thepaper.cn reported.据新华新闻报道,华为还展开了仪表和芯片企业之间的接入测试。Huaweis announcement comes after Qualcomm, an American competitor, successfully tested its 5G connection.在华为的公告之前,该公司的美国竞争者高通也宣告顺利测试了5G相连。

The latters connection is based on New Radio (NR) work in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), an international mobile telecommunications standards organization.后者的相连技术是基于“第三代合作伙伴计划(3GPP)”(一个国际移动通信标准化的组织)的新广播技术。According to 3GPPs official website, the standards for 5G technology will be set this year.据3GPP官网的信息表明,该5G技术标准将于今年制订。Global telecom giants including Qualcomm, Huawei and Ericsson have all been carrying out research and tests of the new technology, competing for a leading role in setting those standards.高通、华为、爱立信等全球电信巨头都在对这项新技术展开研究和测试,谋求在制订这些标准方面正处于领先地位。The international community has reached a consensus that a unified 5G standard should be established. Currently, all the telecom giants have offered their technological patents to 3GPP, hoping that their standards will be the ones adopted, an anonymous expert told Thepaper.cn, adding that the competition to set the 5G standards could affect national interests.一位不愿透漏姓名的专家向新华新闻透漏:“国际社会早已达成协议共识,要创建一个统一的5G标准。

目前所有的电信巨头都早已向3GPP获取了他们的技术专利,期望自己的标准将不会被使用。”这名专家还回应,创建5G标准的竞争可能会影响到国家利益。Chinese companies have gained ground in the 5G battle, where the U.S. and EU have long been leaders.美国和欧盟曾长年在5G领域正处于领先地位,而现在中国企业早已在5G争夺战中获得了一些成果。During the No.87 RAN1 meeting held by 3GPP in 2016, the polar code, created by Chinese companies, was defined by participants from around the world as the control channel encoding scheme for the application of 5G in eMBB (enhanced mobile broadband) scenarios.在2016年3GPP举办的第87次会议期间,中国企业建构的极化字节被世界各地与会者们确认为5G eMBB(强化移动宽带)场景的掌控信道编码方案。

