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本文摘要:SAN FRANCISCO — Despite the billions of “likes” bestowed on Facebook posts every month, something has been missing: an option to express a different emotion.旧金山——尽管Facebook的帖子每个月都会接到数十亿个“拜”,但还是补了点东西:传达有所不同情感的选项。

SAN FRANCISCO — Despite the billions of “likes” bestowed on Facebook posts every month, something has been missing: an option to express a different emotion.旧金山——尽管Facebook的帖子每个月都会接到数十亿个“拜”,但还是补了点东西:传达有所不同情感的选项。On Thursday, Facebook announced it will begin testing six new emotional reactions that you can convey with a simple emoji, similar to the thumbs-up “like” icon that the social networking service has made so famous.Facebook在周四宣告将开始测试六个新的表情符号,用户可以通过非常简单的表情符号传达情绪,与该社交网络服务玉女白的大拇指符号代表的“拜”类似于。The six new emoji depict various expressions, from an open mouth to express surprise to a scowling red face for anger. The other four emotions are love, laughter, sadness and a supportive cheer.这六个新的表情符号叙述了各种各样的表情,从回应惊讶的张大嘴巴,到回应气愤的红脸。另外四个符号分别代表爱人、笑、哀伤和反对掌声。

The new reaction icons will be available to most Facebook users in Spain and Ireland by the end of this week. Adam Mosseri, who oversees Facebook’s news feed, said the company would evaluate how people in those two countries use the new buttons and refine them, before expanding the rollout to the company’s 1.5 billion users worldwide later this year.至本周末,西班牙及爱尔兰的大部分Facebook用户将可以开始用于这些新的表情符号。Facebook负责管理新闻订阅者事宜的亚当·莫塞里(Adam Mosseri)回应,该公司不会评估这两个国家的用户用于新的按钮的情况,展开改良,然后在今年晚些时候将适用范围拓展至全球15亿用户。“How do people use it? Is this the right set of reactions?” Mr. Mosseri said in an interview.莫塞里拒绝接受专访时回应,“人们不会怎么用于?这些代表了准确的反应吗?”Mark E. Zuckerberg, Facebook’s co-founder and chief executive, said last month that the company planned to test a way to “dislike” a post. “I do think it’s important to give people more options than just like,” he said at that time.Facebook牵头创始人、首席执行官马克·E·扎克伯格(Mark E. Zuckerberg)在上个月回应,该公司计划测试一种回应“不讨厌”一篇帖子的方法。

他当时回应,“我实在给人们获取除了拜之外的更好自由选择是十分最重要的。”While none of the new buttons are labeled that way, the angry and sad faces are designed to be tools for users to express negative emotions in a sympathetic way.虽然新的按钮没这种情绪传达,但气愤和哀伤的面部表情目的让用户通过表示同情的方式传达负面情绪。

