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本文摘要:The Chinese high-speed rails have a quality all on its own, because it’s so massive.中国高铁的质量独树一帜,因为它规模可观。

The Chinese high-speed rails have a quality all on its own, because it’s so massive.中国高铁的质量独树一帜,因为它规模可观。There are more than twice as many high-speed trains in China as the rest of the world combined.中国享有高铁的数量是其他国家高铁数量总和的两倍多。Tier 1 cities like Beijing have a couple hundred high-speed trains stopping at the city every day.像北京一线城市每天有几百辆高铁停站。And the Chinese Spring Festival is just a mad house - an estimated 3 billion trips take place within a 2-week window. It would be the equivalent of every American taking 10 trips during Christmas, or every European taking 5 trips during Christmas. All the train tickets are gone within like 10 seconds after they become available.春节期间的中国真是就是个疯人院,短短两周内有将近30亿人次的客流。

这相等于每一个美国人在圣诞期间旅行十次,或者每个欧洲人在圣诞节旅行五次。所有的动车票一可售旋即在十秒内售空。Firstly, China’s technology on building the railway is leading the rest of the world and there is no sign that any other country could surpass China’s position in near future.首先,中国在建设铁路的技术上排在世界,并且在近期内没国家可以多达中国。Secondly, China’s trains are based on Japanese, German and French models.其次,中国的高铁是基于日本、德国以及法国火车模型。

At last, the scale of Chinese high-speed train is unthinkable to other countries which has high-speed train network.最后,中国的高铁规模对于其他国家来说是无法想象的,并且中国享有繁盛的高铁网络。I had my first opportunity to ride the high-speed trains last week when I had a business meeting in Zhengzhou.由于上周我在郑州有个商务会议,我有了第一个机会乘坐高铁。As someone who grew up with a disdain for public transportation (not sure why the US hates it so much), I was dreading the experience. I pushed hard to fly, but was told that it would be much better if I took the train.由于带着对公共交通的种族主义而茁壮(我也不确认为什么美国如此喜欢交通),我对此次经历带着不安。我期望需要乘坐飞机,但却被告诉乘坐高铁不会更佳一点。

The train was amazing. I had traveled on an Amtrak train before in the US, and hated how slow it was and how many stops there were. Chinese high-speed trains are on a different level.这辆高铁十分给力。我曾多次乘坐过美国的Amtrak 火车,但是它速度奇慢而且常常停下,十分喜欢。跟中国的高铁不是在一个水准上。

First, when I say they are high-speed, I mean they are high-speed.首先,当我说道他们是高速,我的意思也就是指他们显然是高速的。The trains are clean and the seats are huge. There are ample power outlets and you can’t even feel how fast the train is moving. If there were no windows, I wouldn’t be able to tell when we were stopped or when we were traveling at 300 km/h—it is thatsmooth.火车上十分的整洁,而且座位相当大。

有很多插座可以给你电池,而且你显然感觉将近火车的速度有多慢。如果不是有窗户,我都不告诉什么时候落下了什么时候速度上了300km/h,火车十分稳定。The trains are very advanced and the stations are new. The terminal in Zhengzhou looked like you could fit a million people in it even though it isn’t a Tier-1 city. It had shops and a food court and the trains would silently pull in and out of the station perfectly on schedule.火车十分的先进设备而且车站也很新的。

郑州的终点站看上去能容纳一百万人,尽管它并不是一线城市。它具有商店以及美食广场,而且火车不会安静的驶进驶进站点而且按时准点。I’m traveling again this week by train and I’m excited.这一周我又再度乘坐高铁,我感觉很激动。

The high-speed trains are incredible.高铁知道很不可思议。

